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PE & Sport

Here at Park Hill we are big fans of getting children active and we offer lots of different opportunities for children to participate. Our aim is that every child gets to represent their school or house during their time at Park Hill Junior School. 

At our primary school, children have PE lessons twice a week and these use the Complete PE and Real PE schemes to support the development of skills and of knowledge of sports. We have a long-standing link with Chance to Shine cricket and all children in Year 4 and 5 have some high quality coaching before taking part in a local cricket tournament. We also take part in the daily mile every afternoon to give children a movement break. We offer an ever-changing list of after-school clubs which include football, netball, cricket, dodgeball, dance and more. Sports are a big part of the two residentials which our Year 5 and 6 children can take part in and we visit specialist centres so that children can try out a range of outdoor and adventurous activities.  

Children come to school in their PE kits on days when they have PE. These are:

Year Group PE Days
3 Monday and Friday

Tuesday and Thursday

5 Wednesday and Thursday

Monday and Wednesday

Ravenhall Tuesday and Friday

Whilst most of our children join us able to swim after their lessons at Thorns Infant School, we run additional catch up swimming sessions for children in Year 5 and 6. This year 92% of our Year 6 children can swim 25m using a range of strokes and the year group have also all had lessons in self-rescue. We take part in lots of different competitions against other schools both within Kenilworth and across the local area and we are delighted to see more competitions restarting after COVID. Mr Farrington is our PE coordinator and he also runs intra-house competitions in cross country, dodgeball and archery to give even more children a chance to take part. 

Click on the link to read more detail about how we have spent our school's sports grant: