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Year 3

Classes and Staff

Dudley Class (Miss Leatherland)

Greville Class (Miss Griffiths and Mrs Buckley)

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Sudiwala

What to expect

Our two year 3 classes are named after some very important local landowners: The Dudley family who owned Kenilworth castle and who redeveloped the castle to welcome a visit from Queen Elizabeth the First and the Greville family - former Earls of Warwick and owners of Warwick castle. Children find out about their important namesakes during their transition day in the summer term. 

In Year 3 children begin the year by showing us that they really are Bright Sparks as they investigate electricity and magnetism in a Science and DT-based unit. After plenty of practical science, children design and build a house for the Three Little Pigs and use crumble computing resources to add electrical circuits to make the house even better for the pigs! 

In the second half-term, children debate who were the greatest builders in the world and compare Iron Age Britain with Ancient Egypt. To help their learning, children have a visit from some archaeologists who introduce them to many different aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. Towards the end of the topic, children match their skills against Egyptian engineering when they use modern-day tools to build their own mini shaduf! 

After Christmas, children take part in a short topic on rocks and fossils. This includes a trip to St John's museum in Warwick where children can study lots of amazing fossils and rocks and get hands on with their science learning. 

Then children go on an adventure where they decide whether they would like to visit Guatemala. This topic starts with children packing their suitcases and recreating an aeroplane ride before tasting some of the food of the region. Children then explore some of the wonderful history and slightly terrifying geography of the region by looking at the Mayans and learning about volcanoes and earthquakes.  They also make a range of different puppets which they use in some stop-motion animation. 

In the summer term, children begin to debate if bugs are important. Their learning begins with a trip to Ryton Pools where they come face to face with some amazing animals. Children also enjoy the chance to bug hunt in our school grounds and, once they are experts, invite Year 1 children from Thorns to come a visit and use our school pond and copse to find a variety of different minibeasts. 

Finally, children decide what is brilliant about Kenilworth and how can we make it even better. This topic links to our local area and whatever local events and new stories are current. In previous years children have designed and sewed a banner to celebrate our town; updated the Abbey Fields swimming pool and got involved with the new railway station.  

Key Statutory Assessment Points