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Year 4

Classes and Staff

Fawkes Class (Miss Pearl)

Catesby Class (Mrs Nijjar)

Teaching Assistants - Miss Bibby

What to expect

Our Year 4 children start the year by answering two questions - how do we hear and how do we see? In their scientific investigations, children try out lots of hands-on activities and then translate this learning into some activities in music and DT. They also design and make their own torches. 

The next year 4 topic is about the Romans. Children take the enquiry question of "Why did the Romans invade Britain?" Their learning is complemented by a visit to the Rugby Museum to see artefacts in our local area. 

After Christmas, children take a geography focus to look at a European country. We look at the country of Germany and learn facts about its geography - contrasting it with our own country. Children also learn about amazing German composers in music during this topic. 

Next, children follow the topic of "Our Inner Body" where they learn all about bones (including teeth), muscles and how we move. Alongside this, children learn how to prepare some healthy meals and work with St John's ambulance to learn some basic first aid, including how to call for help in an emergency. 

The summer term sees children learning about the Rainforest. Children learn about the water cycle, South America and the many amazing things we get from the rainforest. They also learn about fair trade and make some fair trade goodies. Finally, children work in groups to design and make salsa. They try out different recipes, make packaging and sell their work in our Salsa Street! 

Finally,  children continue their history learning by looking at the Saxons and Vikings. This contributes to children's overall sense of chronology and understanding of the people who invaded and settled in Britain. 

Key Statutory Assessment Points

Multiplication Tables Check - These are completed online throughout June.